Born in England in 1948. A British author of both fiction and non-fiction.

Born in England in 1948. A British author of both fiction and non-fiction. She is the daughter of poet Thomas Blackburn and artist Rosalie de Meric.

Julia Blackburn is the author of four books of non-fiction, Charles Waterton, The Emperor’s Last Island, Daisy Bates in the Desert and Old Man Goya, and novels, The Book of Colour and The Leper’s Companions both of which were short listed for the Orange Prize. Most recently she published My Animals and Other Family (2007) and The Three of Us (2008).

She first came to Deia in 1961 with her mother and then returned many years later to live and work taking a job with Robert and Beryl Graves and living for some time in the village with the artist Herman Makkink.

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